Dream Children A Reverie

➥   Introduction:-
"Dream Children a Reverie" is one of the most known essays of the famous work "Essays of Elia" by Charles Lamb. It was first published in London magazines in 1823. In it, he expresses his personal feelings such as pathos and regrates for the time long gone with a rich sense of humour under the pseudonym 'Elia'. Like all other essays of C. Lamb, "Dream Children a Reverie" also leaves a long-lasting impression on the readers.    
➥   Summary:-

"Dream Children a Reverieis about a day-dream (a Reverie) which the author (Charles Lamb) saw in a drowsiness.  Alice and John, presented in the essay, are the two children, who are presented as his own. Lamb begins his essay by describing to his children Alice and John his own childhood tales when he and his brother Charles, used to live with his great-grandmother, Mrs Field. He tells,  how he and his brother loved each other and all other things, they used to do in Mrs Field's house. He tales these stories with a sense of re-living that time. He narrates with ever details about their frequent wanderings, mischiefs in the grand house and their memories of the Orchid trees and the fish pond.
The tone of the essay shifts from humour to tragic when Lamb stars describing the deaths of his brother whom he loved very much and  Mrs Field his great-grandmother whom he loses at an early age of his life. By this, remembrance he not only re-lives the golden period of his life but also feels the pain of losing once again. Here in this essay, he also presents his those desires and longings which he could never fulfil. He also feels depressed on the loss of his unrequited love Alice and regrates not marrying her. Moreover, Lamb misses the happy and joyous days of his childhood are gone in the blink of eyes.

In his adulthood, Lamb eagerly wants back his old happy and joyous days being lonely from his heart. The essay gives its reader almost a shock when the reader becomes aware of the fact the children he is speaking of are not real.  They are a figment of Lamb's imagination - a daydream. The contrast between the happy childhood and lonely adulthood reveals the fact that nothing remains forever in an individual's life.

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