A Friend

        A person who will listen and not condemn
        Someone on whom you can depend

        They will not flee when bad times are here
        Instead they will be there to lend an ear

        They will think of ways to make you smile

        So you can be happy for a while

        When times are good and happy there after 

        They will be there to share the laughter

        Do not forget your friends at all

        For they pick you up when you fall

        Do not expect to just take and hold

        Give friendship back, it is pure gold.


"A Friend" is composed by Gillian Jones. By and large, the lyric discussions about what a companion is… the thing that a companion can accomplish for you and what you can accomplish for your companion.

The poet, Gillian Jones, holds up in this poem a few cases and circumstances of what a companion is relied upon to do; or what most companions do. Everybody needs a companion who will always hear them out. A companion who will tune in to your side of the story and not give a solitary thoughtfulness regarding what others state is the thing that a veritable friend is. Somebody you can rely upon is likewise a reward.

The phrase "A friend in need is a friend indeed" exactly reflects the skeleton or the theme of the poem. Here the poet not only says that a true friend will stay with you in your bad-time but also will share the happiness of your good-time.  The poet also says that friends are not to be forgotten or be taken underestimate because they are the ones who will help out from your problem when you will find yourself helpless and alone.

Poet Gillian Jones advices to cherish the friendship in every possible way in her poem "A Friend". She suggests that friendship is like 'pure gold', which is priceless. 

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