Today the competition in WBCHSE board exam for Class 11 and 12 is very high. Everyone is trying to get more marks than others. So we have come with a collection of the most common Descriptive Type Questions from Strong Roots that often occur in board examinations, especially in WBCHSE. We have gone through possibly all books that are available in the market and have come up with these sets of important Descriptive Question Answer From Strong Roots which are totally unique from the regular notes and we are providing free  PDF Download  also. These note may work as a score-booster for your upcoming exam.

 1.    Give a brief account of A.P.J. Abdul Kalam's childhood as presented in "Strong Roots"?
Ans: - Doctor APJ Abdul Kalam was born and brought up in a middle-class Tamil family in Rameswaram. His parents were known to be an ideal couple. Though his parents were not very rich, he was given everything needed. All necessities in terms of food, medicine and cloth were provided to Kalam. Kalam's childhood was secure both materially and emotionally. Kalam used to eat with his mother sitting on the floor of the kitchen room. In his childhood, Kalam would go with his father to an old Mosque situated in Rameswaram for evening prayer. So one can conclude that Kalam was right enough to claim that he had a very secure childhood.  

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 2.    "Our locality was predominantly Muslim...Hindu families too"- Who is the speaker? What picture of communal harmony do you find in "Strong Roots"?

Ans: - The speaker of this line is APJ Abdul Kalam himself.

In this extracted piece of Kalam's autobiography "Strong Roots", he has presented an amicable picture of communal harmony of Rameswaram. Though there was a predominance of Muslim in Rameswaram, a large number of Hindu family too lived there amicably with their Muslim neighbours. There was a Shiva Temple and an old Mosque too. Kalam said that Pakshi Lakshamana Sastry, the high priest of the Shiva Temple, was a close friend of his father. They often used to discuss the about spiritual matters. There was no rivalry among the people of Rameswaram rather they were like brother and sister to each other.  

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