Today the competition in WBCHSE board exam for Class 11 and 12 is very high. Everyone is trying to get more marks than others. So we have come with a collection of the most common Descriptive Type Questions from Shall I Compare Thee that often occur in board examinations, especially in WBCHSE. We have gone through possibly all books that are available in the market and have come up with these sets of important Descriptive Question Answer From Sonnet 18 which are totally unique from the regular notes. These note may work as a score-booster for your upcoming exam. You can also download Sonnet 18 Questions and Answers PDF file for free.

Sonnet 18 Questions and Answers PDF Download

 3.    How does William Shakespeare compare the beauty of his friend to that of a summer's day?
Ans: - William Shakespeare has established his friend's beauty as better than summer by comparing it to a summer's day. He starts his sonnet with a metaphorical question: 

"Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?"

But he soon discards it by saying that his friend's beauty is more temperate and lovelier than a summer's day. He says that summer is not as perfect as his friend's beauty is. Here he has mentioned some imperfections of the beauty of summer such as the sun sometimes gets too hot and it is often dimmed by the clouds. The beautiful buds of the flower are also often damaged by the rough wind of May. Another major imperfection of summer's beauty is that it comes for a limited period of time. But there is no such flaw in the beauty of his friend. This comparison as a very significant role in establishing his friend's beauty as superior to a summer's day.

 4.    "Sometimes too hot the eye of heaven Shines,/ And often is his gold complexion dimmed," - What does the expression 'the eye of heaven' refer to? What aspect of summer's day is presented here? How does this aspect of summer help to establish the superiority of the poet's friend?

Ans: - The expression 'the eye of heaven' refers to the sun.
By the expression, the poet expresses the fact that in summer the heat of the sun sometimes gets extreme and by 'gold complexion dimmed' the poet hints at the fact that the sun often loses its temper being covered by the clouds.

In the course of making his friend's beauty immortal, William Shakespeare compares his friend's beauty to a summer's day. He starts his sonnet with a metaphorical question. He says that summer is not as perfect as his friend's beauty is. Here he has mentioned some imperfections of the beauty of summer such as the sun sometimes gets too hot and it is often dimmed by the clouds. The beautiful buds of the flower are also often damaged by the rough wind of May. Another major imperfection of summer's beauty is that it comes for a limited period of time. But there is no such flaw in the beauty of his friend. This comparison as a very significant role in establishing his friend's beauty as superior to a summer's day.

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