Short Questions Answers From Nobel Lecture

Short question answer from "Nobel Lecture" is a very important topic for class 11 students. As the students find it more difficult and less interesting than the other stories in their syllabus, here we have discussed only the Most Important SAQ from Noble Lecture. While bringing you Short Question Answer of Nobel Lecture, our primary focus was on the to the point answer in very simple and easy to understand English. These short questions and answers from Nobel Lecture will definitely help you to boost up your score in the Final Exam.

Topics We Have Covered :

  • Nobel Lecture Short Question Answer.
  • Short Question Answer from Nobel Lecture by Mother Teresa.
  • Free PDF Download of Short question of Nobel Lecture.
  • Noble Lecture by Mother Teresa.
  • Nobel Prize questions and answers pdf.

 1.     When did Mother Teresa win Noble Prize?
Ans: -  Mother Teresa won Noble Prize on 11 December 1979.

 2.     In which field did Mother Teresa win Noble Prize?
Ans: -  Mother Teresa won Noble Prize for Peace.

 3.     Where did Mother Teresa deliver Noble Lecture?
Ans: -  Mother Teresa delivered Nobel Lecture in Oslo which is the capital of Norway.

 4.     Which prayer did Mother Teresa wish to pray?
Ans: -  Mother Teresa wished to pray the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi.

 5.     When was the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi composed?
Ans: -  The prayer of St. Francis of Assisi was composed about 4-500 years ago.

 6.     What is Holy Communion?
Ans: -  Holy Communion is a Christian ritual that is observed commemorating the 'Last Supper' of Jesus Christ with his disciples.

 7.     "As soon as he came in her life" —  Who is referred to as 'he'?
Ans: -  Here 'he' refers to the Son of God- Jesus Christ who became a man and took birth in the womb of the Virgin Mary.

 8.     "She went in haste to give that good news" — What was the good news?
Ans: -  The good news was that Jesus- the Son of God was going to take birth as a human to bring love and peace for all humankind. 

 9.     "She came into the house of her cousin" — Who is 'she' and what is the name of her cousin?
Ans: -  Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus Christ, is referred to her as 'she' and her cousins' name is Elizabeth.

 10.     Who said, "if you say you love God but you do not love your neighbor"?
Ans: -  St Jhon made the above-mentioned statement while talking of love and peace.

 11.     "I never forget an opportunity"— Which opportunity is spoken of here?
Ans: -  Here Mother Teresa speaks of the opportunity that she had in visiting the old age home.

 12.     Why were the old parents looking towards the door?

Ans: -  The old parents were looking towards the door because they were hoping that their sons or daughters would come to see them.

 13.     What surprised Mother Teresa in the West?
Ans: -  Mother Teresa was surprised to see that a huge number of boys and girls had become drug addicts in the West. 

 14.     Why did boys and girls become drug addicts in the West?
Ans: -  A  huge number of boys and girls became drug addicts because their father and mother were busy is some institution and they had no one to receive them in their family.

 15.     What according to Mother Teresa is the greatest destroyer of peace?
Ans: -  According to Mother Teresa, the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion. 

 16.     What according to Mother Teresa is the greatest destroyer of peace?
Ans: -  According to Mother Teresa, the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion.

 17.     Why did Mother Teresa consider abortion as the greatest destroyer of peace?
Ans: -  Mother Teresa considered abortion to be the greatest destroyer of peace as it was a direct killing of a child by own mother.

18.     How did Mother Teresa fight against abortion?
Ans: -  Mother  Teresa fought against abortion by adopting unwanted children.

 19.     What according to Mother Teresa is the beginning of love?
Ans: -  According to Mother Teresa, smile is the beginning of love.

 20.     What had the lady, whom Mother Teresa took from the street, said before she died?
Ans: -  The lady whom Mother Teresa took from the street said "thank you" with a beautiful smile on her face before she died. 

 21.     What story did Mother Teresa tell about a Hindu boy?
Ans: -  Mother Teresa told that when there was great difficulty in getting sugar in Calcutta, a four-year-old Hindu boy told his parents that he would not eat sugar for three days and would give it to her.

 22.     How old was the Hindu boy who gave sugar to Mother Teresa?
Ans: -  The Hindu boy, who did not eat sugar for three days and gave it to Mother Teresa, was four years old.

 23.     "She gave me her grateful love"— Who is referred to as 'she'?
Ans: -  'She' refers to one of the four ladies whom Mother Teresa picked up from the street and whose condition was worse and whom She personally took care of.

 24.     According to Mother Teresa, who can "teach us so many beautiful things"?
Ans: -  'According to Mother Teresa, poor people can "teach us so many beautiful things".

 25.     According to Mother Teresa, who are the greatest people?
Ans: -  'According to Mother Teresa, poor people are the greatest people.

 26.     Why did Mother Teresa go to visit the starving Hindu family?
Ans: -  'After being informed by a man Mother Teresa went to visit a starving Hindu family to give them some rice.

 27.     "They are hungry too" Who said this? Who are they?
Ans: -  'This statement was said by the lady of the Hindu family for whom Mother Teresa took rice. Here 'they' refers to the neighboring Muslim family who is also starving.

 28.     What did the lady of the Hindu family do after getting rice from Mother Teresa?
Ans: -  'After receiving rice from Mother Teresa, the lady of the family divided it and went out to share the rice with a neighboring Muslim family who was also starving. 

 29.     Why didn't Mother Teresa take more rice that evening?
Ans: -  'Mother Teresa did not take more rice that evening because she wanted them to enjoy the joy of sharing.

 30.     How much money did Mother Teresa receive from the man who was lying on his back for the last twenty years?
Ans: -  'Mother Teresa received 15 dollars from the man who was lying on his back for the last twenty years.

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